Lachenalia Congesta
[Zone 8]
a: −9.4 °C ~ −12.2 °C
b: −6.7 °C ~ −9.4 °C
[Zone 9]
a: −3.9 °C ~ −6.7 °C
b: −1.1 °C ~ −3.9 °C
[Zone 10]
a: −1.1 °C ~ +1.7 °C
b: +1.7 °C ~ +4.4 °C
a: −9.4 °C ~ −12.2 °C
b: −6.7 °C ~ −9.4 °C
[Zone 9]
a: −3.9 °C ~ −6.7 °C
b: −1.1 °C ~ −3.9 °C
[Zone 10]
a: −1.1 °C ~ +1.7 °C
b: +1.7 °C ~ +4.4 °C
Chromosome Studies of the Hybrids, Ginbuna (Carassius auratus langsdorfii)×Kinbuna (C. auratus subsp.) and Ginbuna×Loach (Misgurnus anguillicaudatus)
KOBAYASI Hiromu, OCHI Hisako
The ginbunas (Carassius auratus langsdorfii) captured in the Kanto district were exclusively females, and there was no report of capture of male fish. For understanding this curious phenomenon, comparative studies were made on the chromosomes of the ginbuna and F_1 hybrids derivatived from a cross between the ginbuna and the kinbuna (Carassius auratus subsp.) and between the ginbuna and the loach (Misgurnus anguillicaudatus). Three females of the ginbuna captured in the Kanto district were used for the present investigation. The eggs spawned by each of the females were divided into two groups; the eggs of one group were artificially inseminated with sperms of the kinbuna, and the eggs of the other group with sperms of the loach. All the larvae grown up from the two types of hybrid crosses were identical with the maternal ginbuna in their appearance. Chromosome preparations were made from kidney and gill cells with the usual air-drying technique, after pretreatment with colchicine and hypotonic solution. The results of chromosome analysis showed that the maternal ginbuna had 156 chromosomes, consisting of 17 pairs of metacentrics, 31 pairs of submetacentrics and 30 pairs of acrocentrics. The chromosomes of 14 offsprings by the hybrid crosses, so far examined, had the same chromosome number of 156. Comparing the karyotypes of the maternal ginbuna and their offsprings, we found a gross similarity in their chromosomes as far as the morphological analysis is concerned. In the present study we failed to examine the chromosomes of the paternal kinbuna and loach. However, it is generally accepted that the kinbuna has 100 chromosomes and the loach has 50 chromosomes in both sex. The most likely explanation for the present results would be that the production of the triploid offspring might be arisen by gynogenesis, as was already pointed out by Kobayasi et al. (1970) and Kobayasi (1971).
Diploid-tetraploid relationship among old-world members of the fish family Cyprinidae
Susumu Ohno, Junichi Muramoto, Lawrence Christian and Niels B. Atkin
Evidence suggesting that the goldfish and the carp of the family Cyprinidae are tetraploid species in relation to other members of the same family were presented. The two barb species, Barbus tetrazona and Barbus jasciatus, were chosen as representatives of diploid members of the family Cyprinidae. These barbs had the diploid chromosome number of 50 and 52 and the DNA value 20–22% that of placental mammals, while the goldfish (Carassius auratus) and the carp (Cyprinus carpio) had the diploid chromosome number of about 104 and the DNA value 50–52% that of placental mammals.
KOBAYASI Hiromu, OCHI Hisako
The ginbunas (Carassius auratus langsdorfii) captured in the Kanto district were exclusively females, and there was no report of capture of male fish. For understanding this curious phenomenon, comparative studies were made on the chromosomes of the ginbuna and F_1 hybrids derivatived from a cross between the ginbuna and the kinbuna (Carassius auratus subsp.) and between the ginbuna and the loach (Misgurnus anguillicaudatus). Three females of the ginbuna captured in the Kanto district were used for the present investigation. The eggs spawned by each of the females were divided into two groups; the eggs of one group were artificially inseminated with sperms of the kinbuna, and the eggs of the other group with sperms of the loach. All the larvae grown up from the two types of hybrid crosses were identical with the maternal ginbuna in their appearance. Chromosome preparations were made from kidney and gill cells with the usual air-drying technique, after pretreatment with colchicine and hypotonic solution. The results of chromosome analysis showed that the maternal ginbuna had 156 chromosomes, consisting of 17 pairs of metacentrics, 31 pairs of submetacentrics and 30 pairs of acrocentrics. The chromosomes of 14 offsprings by the hybrid crosses, so far examined, had the same chromosome number of 156. Comparing the karyotypes of the maternal ginbuna and their offsprings, we found a gross similarity in their chromosomes as far as the morphological analysis is concerned. In the present study we failed to examine the chromosomes of the paternal kinbuna and loach. However, it is generally accepted that the kinbuna has 100 chromosomes and the loach has 50 chromosomes in both sex. The most likely explanation for the present results would be that the production of the triploid offspring might be arisen by gynogenesis, as was already pointed out by Kobayasi et al. (1970) and Kobayasi (1971).
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Carassius auratus gibelio ( = cv Kingyo.) |
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Carassius auratus langsdorfii. (var Hibuna.) |
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Carassius auratussubsp. (var Tetsugyo) |
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Misgurnus anguillicaudatus Cantor |
Diploid-tetraploid relationship among old-world members of the fish family Cyprinidae
Susumu Ohno, Junichi Muramoto, Lawrence Christian and Niels B. Atkin
Evidence suggesting that the goldfish and the carp of the family Cyprinidae are tetraploid species in relation to other members of the same family were presented. The two barb species, Barbus tetrazona and Barbus jasciatus, were chosen as representatives of diploid members of the family Cyprinidae. These barbs had the diploid chromosome number of 50 and 52 and the DNA value 20–22% that of placental mammals, while the goldfish (Carassius auratus) and the carp (Cyprinus carpio) had the diploid chromosome number of about 104 and the DNA value 50–52% that of placental mammals.
[Out] -2.4c ~ +32.7c
[ In ] +8.0c ~ +20.9c
[ In ] +8.0c ~ +20.9c
4 Months Old Kingyo Babies
2011.1.31 Monday
[Out] -2.8c ~ +29.4c
[Out] +2.5c ~ +28.6c
[In] +9.0c ~ +18.0c
[In] +9.0c ~ +18.0c
Goodyera biflora var macrantha Maximowicz
Aiolocaria hexaspilota & Harmonia axyridis
Phalacrognathus muelleri
Pearl Scale Maruko Type 9months old
MS GUNDAM Senjou no Kizuna Rev.3.0
Medaka varieties
Medaka / Oryzias Latipes
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* Male / Female. Medaka and Japanese |
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White Medaka, Red Medaka, Medaka Moroko, Haya, Maruko (Old type Ranchu) Baien Gyofu (1835) by Mouri Baien. |
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Kingyo and Medaka by Utagawa Kuniyoshi (1781 - 1861). |
"Medaka and Kingyo" Yamato Honzou (1709) by Kaibara Ekiken. |
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"Red Medaka, White Medaka" Kouwa Gyofu (1838) by Kurimoto Tanshu |
Transparent Japanese Frog (Hyla japonica)
Biogeography and evolution of the Carassius auratus-complex in East Asia
Phylogenetic, morphometric and behaviological analysis of the Asian crucian carps and the goldfish
オランダ国ライデン自然史博物館に保管されているシーボルトが採集した日本産フナのタイプ標本を現地で精査した結果、C. cuvieriはゲンゴロウブナに,C. langsdorfiiはギンブナに,C. grandculisはニゴロブナによく一致したが、キンブナに対応するタイプ標本はなかった。一方、C. buergeriのタイプシリーズにはオオキンブナとナガブナが混入している可能性が示唆された。
1) We have arrived at the National Museum of Natural History at Leiden, Netherlands, and inspected and measured type-specimens of Japanese crucian carp collected by von Siebold and Buexger. Although we have identified Carassius cuvieri, C. langsdorfii and C. grandculis, as Gengorobuna, Ginbuna and Nigorobuna, respectively, we noticed a possibility that a type-series of C. buergeri might include Okinbuna/Nagabuna. This survey indicated that the classification of Japanese Carassius species is still incomplete.
2) Thereupon, we examined 47 wild Carassius specimens collected at Japan and Korea and some varieties of goldfish, for the phylogenetic relationship by analyzing the morphometric characteristics, mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) and ploidy. Phylogenetic denclrograms constructed based on approximately 3,400 bp, sequences of mtDNA ND4/ND5 region dearly demonstrated that Japanese and Korean Carassius fauna consists of three major clusters,; 1. Korea-Okinawa-goldfish duster, 2. Gengorobuna duster and 3. Japanese main cluster. Among the third duster, three sub-duster can be recognized, namely the north-east, central and southern Japanese ones. The sub-cluster could be represented by Kinbuna, Nagabuna/Nigorobuna and Okinbuna, respectively. Ploidy tests showed that fishes classified into the Gengorobuna cluster were all diploid, but the others diploid/triploid complex. Interestingly, the two ploidy types in each sub-cluster shared with extremely similar mtDNA, strongly indicating not only their inter-sexual interactions, but also gene. exchanges might have been occurring between them within each habitat.
3) The study also might provide real answers to questions whether goldfish were originated from a continental ancestor and whether the Japanese endemic Carassius species should be given their own scientific names.
4) It is empirically told that goldfish is bald and crucian carp is shy. We showed that the individual reactivity of fish could be measured by a swimway test. Then, molecular backgrounds of the behavioral difference were sought in mRNAs extracted from the brain of selected fish.
by UEMATSU, Kazumasa
Genetic analysis in the family Cyprinidae base on isozymes and mtDNA
There are many kind of fish species in the family cyprinidae, and these species evolved from allo-tetraploid fish species. Then, they could be constructed a complex genetic feature and genetic structure. Isozymic analyses are very useful tool for analyzing a population structure, genetic divergence and evolutionary feature, but they could analyze a long generations.
Mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) has been expected to use as sensitive genetic markers for fish genetics and fishery management. However, in order to apply it for actual population study, a lot of issues should be resolved.
The aims in the present study are (1) establishment an elementary method for purifying mtDNA in freshwater fish, (2) Clarifying a value of restriction fragment length polymorphism in carp by use a genetic marker of mtDNA, and (3) identification of species of crucian carp inhabited in Tohoku area in Japan.
As the results, the elementary method for purifying mtDNA could be established based on chemical methods (alkarine treatment and non-idet P-40). Next, based on that method, restriction fragment length polymorphisms were observed in the four restriction enzymes, and then the 4 maternal strains are estimated in carp inhabited in a certain pond. Furthermore, the three sub species of crucian carp have existed in the Tohoku area, and genetically divergent populations have been inhabited and brood in a pond. However, mtDNA variant patterns were common in both populations.
by KIJIMA, Akihiro
Biological Properities and Reproductive Ability of Chimeric Fish Produced by Blastderm Reconstruction.
(1)異種間での胚盤再構築を可能にするために必要な嚢胚期以前のキンギョの発生段階を、組織学的、細胞学的、発生遺伝学的な視点から検討を加えた。20℃の培養下で同調卵割から非同調卵割への移行(中期胞胚期遷移)は、9回の同調卵割の後受精約6時間に起こり、この時期以降を中期胞胚期と定めた。中胚葉分化の指標となるgoosecoidとno tailの発現は受精後8時間に観察され、この時期以降を後期胞胚期と定めた。(2)キンギョおよびゼブラフィッシュの、初期胚発生過程におけるPGCsの形態及びその動態を組織学的に明らかにした。キンギョでは20℃の培養下で受精後30時間に組織学的に区別されるPGCsが胚全体に広く分布した。この時期のPGCsを生体外部から細胞の大きさによって区別できる可能性が示された。しかしながら、これ以前の発生段階では区別できなかった。ゼブラフィッシュでは、組織学的なPGCsを6体節期まで遡ることができた。(3)PGCsの起源を実験発生学的に検討した結果、キンギョのPGCsは中期胞胚期には分化する割球が決まっており、その多くは胚盤の下部に位置するという結果が示された。(4)ゼブラフィッシュの2系統間、あるいはキンギョと3倍体のフナより作成された胚盤の下部を重複されたキメラ個体からは、両系統あるいは両亜種の生殖細胞由来の子孫が生まれることが明らかとなった。しかしながらその頻度には個体により差が見られ、PGCsの分化に必要な要因についてさらに調べる必要があると考えられた。(5)中期胞胚期で胚盤再構築をおこなったキンギョとゼブラフィッシュのキメラ胚は正常に発生しなかった。キンギョの胞胚にゼブラフィッシュの胞胚の下部を注入したキメラ胚の生殖隆起には、両種のPGCsが観察された。しかし、移植細胞由来の子孫を得るまでには至らなかった。
(1) In order to contribute developmental technology, the pre-gastrula stage were studied by cytological, histological or biochemical viewpoints in goldfish. Synchronous cleavages occur 9 times every about 30min from 50min to 6h post-fertilization at 20C,and, thereafter, transpose asynchronous phase, suggesting mid-blastula transition (MBT). This timing is staged as the mid-blastula. Genomic expression of mesodermal markers, goosecoid and no tail, are detected with in situ hybridization assay from 8h post-fertilization. This timing is staged as the late-blastula.
(2) Histological observation was performed for diffentiation of primordial germ cells (PGCs) in goldfish and zebrafish. PGCs were histologically detected at the 7 to 9 somite stage in goldfish and at the 6 somite stage in zebrafish, but did not before the stages.
(3) In order to elucidate the origin or primordial germ cells (PGCs) of goldfish, it was investigated whether partial deletion or duplication of blastoderm at the mid-blastula stage effects on the numbers of PGCs in 10-day-larva after fertilization or not. The number of PGCs were decreased in larvac developed from the embryos extirpated lower half of blastoderm, but not in larvae from the embryos extirpated upper half of blastderm. Those were increased in larvae developed from the embryos duplicated lower half of blastoderm.
(4) The chimeric fish which lower part of crucian-carp blastoderm was transplanted to the middle part of goldfish blastoderm at the midblastula stage, reproduced the eggs from two strains. The chimeric fish in zebrafish, in which entire blastoderm of golden strain was transplanted to animal part of blastoderm of wild strain at the mid-blastula stage, also reproduced the eggs of two strains.
by YAMAHA, Etsuro
Looks like Entopticv phenomenon
I Segreti del Pesce Rosso. by Dr.Vincenzo Ferraro.
"The Secret of Goldfish"